
  • nameㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤPup.

  • ageㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ28.

  • pronounsㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhe/him.

  • timezoneㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCST / GMT -5.

  • astro signㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTaurus.

  • otherㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ I doodle sometimes.

about You can call me Pup! I’ve been roleplaying for a huge chunk of my life but I took a hiatus for the past year or two due to high stress and mental health but I’d love to rekindle the fire as things have leveled out. I currently work full-time so my availability can be less than ideal for roleplay replies but I will ALWAYS try to find time to chat. I love talking about characters and just random bullshit in general.


  • DO NOT I will absolutely not write characters under the age of 18, regardless if they are part of the main pair or not.

  • DO NOT I will not do a strictly smut based roleplay, I need substance and plot and not just sex.

  • DO NOT I will gladly participate in an A/b/o plot but i refuse to play out the mpreg usually associated with such genre.

  • DO NOT I disconnect myself from my characters and writing therefore I will not do first person style.

  • DO NOT in regards to smut the only thing i really draw the line with is filth. most things i will probably be open to.

  • DOㅤ romance, supernatural, dystopian, cyberpunk, fantasy, slice of life, horror, action, adventure, modern fantasy, mystery, and many more...

  • DO advanced literate, third person, 3-10 paragraphs

  • DO irl and drawn face claims, pinterest boards, mood boards, music playlists

  • DO m x m romances, ask about my limits.

  • DO private discord servers, lots of OOC chatting, meme sharing

  • disclaimer I may only reply to roleplays 2 to 3 times a week but I will always reply OOC as I love talking to people. Im aware this isnt ideal but I will love and adore our roleplay regardless of how often i reply to it.


  • nameㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤMikhail Petrov.

  • ageㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤunknown.

  • pronounsㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ he/him.

  • ethnicityㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤRussian/Japanese.

  • alignmentㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤchaotic neutral.

  • class/jobㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤbodygaurd.

  • species Werewolf-Vampire

The offspring that wasn’t meant to be. The forgotten child of a Romeo and Juliet story gone horribly wrong. The beast of Moscow. A vampire that can roam during dawn, a wolf that brushes off silver like dust. Has lived enough lives to have won every war if given a reason to. Kills for sport and has ended the reign of any alpha to have challenged him. Not even immorality can persuade him against ending the life a vampire. Demons themselves fear him and his blood thirst. Those that see those golden eyes of the beast never live to tell the tale.

  • h e i g h tㅤㅤ 6' 4"

  • w e i g h tㅤ260.

  • s t r e n g t hㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • d e x t e r i t yㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • h e a l t hㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • e n e r g yㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • b e a u t yㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • s t y l eㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • h y g i e n eㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

Mikhail doesn't like a lot of things but he's always had a weakness for honey. Especially spiced honey on cinnamon toast in the middle of winter. Something about the warmth of the spice during a raging snow storm would always hit different. Speaking of snow and cold, that's another thing he's grown rather fond of and misses from back home.
Living a rather carefree lifestyle doesn't leave room for much to dislike, it takes energy to actively dislike something after all. But one thing that will always stick with Mikhail is his hatred for pathological liars. Oh and spiders. Why do they have so many god damn legs...


Reply Samples.


Heavy breaths.Low growls.Crimson smeared against bare skin and the smell of iron carried in the wind.A tall figure stood before a another. Lifeless and bloodied but not yet taken from this mortal plane. Hot breath quickly condensed in the chill of the night. Droplets of rain splatting against the black asphalt of the alley way, puddles forming as the rain fall hastened.”Good work Mikhail, we’ll take over from here.”Another soul entered the dimly lit alley, the taller of them leaving as the other tended to the soul that was barely grasping on. Golden eyes catching the glow of the neon lights, damp hair sticking to wet skin. The night was growing old and dawn would soon break over the skyline. Moving into the lightly crowded street, the male quickly disappeared into masses. As if he’d never been there to begin with, vanishing within the sound of conversation and cars. Only the diluted crimson footsteps left behind..“….”“……”Ding!Tired eyes peeled open, what time was it and who in god’s name was texting him.. The cold tile of his shower floor pressed against bare skin. “Mm…” He growled and opened the sliding glass door to reach into his pants, grabbing out his phone. A large crack through his screen.It was Daniel.Tossing his phone aside, a long sigh slipped through pierced lips. There was no stopping this kid and honestly he didn’t care. They’d been “friends” for a while and Mik gave him a place to stay if he needed it. Dirtied hands reached up to turn the shower on, a rush of icy cold water quickly spewing from the head. It wouldn’t take but for a moment for the water to become warm as Mikhail stood to stand under it properly. It was soothing. The water running over his skin, washing away the dirt and grim. The lean figure stood for a while under the water, the sound of it washing out the rest of the world around him.BZZZ!Another long sigh.BZZZ BZZZZ!!How long had he been under the water. Time was just a funny number that stopped having a meaning to him after a decade or so. Flipping the water off he grabbed a towel to wrap around his lower half, than another one to dry his hair before answering the door.A towel scrubbed through his Messy damp hair as tired golden eyes looked to the figure that stood outside his door,”Hey…” A low gruff tone greeted the other male, water still dripping down his lean tattooed body. Silver glistening against the sunlight that managed to make its way between the cityscape.It’d been probably four months since they last spoke, but Mik was used to this treatment.He’d just hope he wasn’t here for drugs again..

LoyaltyTo be devoted to a person or party, serving completely without betrayal. No matter the request.Blood.
After so many years it all became a common occurrence. No matter the request. No matter the task. He’d do it without a thought.Like any good dog should...The buzzing silence he’d created for himself to drown at the yelling was finally interrupted by the sliding doors Ez slipped out from. Who knew how much time the two of them wasted in that room while they argued about things Mik rarely ever tried to understand. But there was no doubt the things he knew could bring down their entire kingdom.But why bother when you’re such a loyal pet.Ez's comments annoyed him sometimes. Actually they usually always annoyed him but he’d chosen to only express that annoyance once in a while when he felt the need to rile him out of boredom. Something about a man of his shorter stature getting upset was funny, maybe even a bit cute.The thought disappeared like smoke when he heard Ezekiel’s voice directed his way,”Mmh.” Golden eyes met with the other’s as he nodded, reaching to dig around for the zippo in his pocket to hand to Ez,”Here..” His voice was a bit hoarse, having not spoken but a few times that whole day. Though he didn’t quite care for the taste he chose to carry and smoke the same brand that Ez enjoyed. He found being able to provide them at a moment’s notice made his life less annoying.“Try not to get into a fight again…” It was annoying to have to step in when Ez wanted to cause trouble, because god forbid anything happened to him Mikhail would not see the light of day ever again. “Bar fights aren’t really my style..” He huffed, the elevator finally reached their floor. Tonight was gonna be annoying, he could already tell.


V could hear as Alex’s heart began to race, the moment having taken him by surprise as well. At the time it felt like something that had happened a million times. But this wasn’t a kiss between long time lovers, no this was the first kiss between two friends that had both been repressing their feelings for one another. For what felt like decades.Was this okay?Should they talk about it?The sound of Alex’s heart beat was so loud it sounded like his own. The warm smell of blood became stronger than usual as the other became flustered. V was struggling to keep his composure after everything that happened… and everything that he was about to do. “Yeah…” Carefully putting his riding helmet and jacket down on the counter. He stepped forward,”…I think I’d like to do it again.” Those Royal purple eyes felt softer than their usual piercing color as they met with Alex’s gaze.There was a sweet scent in the air and it quickly filled Vik’s senses.It was a familiar smell. One he’d been ignoring for a while but had finally taken a moment to truly enjoy.It was Alex’s scent, and god was it intoxicating at this moment.The soft steps of his boots against the tile floor of the kitchen sounded as if it echoed through the quiet apartment,”…I hope that’s okay?” He asked softly but he could see the answer written all over the other’s face. Cold hands reached up and softly pressed against Alex’s cheeks that grew ever warmer with each action V took. The moment felt like it was lasting years, decades even.But it took only a moment for those cold lips to gently press into the warmth of Alex’s.Hesitant at first but it took but a millisecond for his confidence to take over again. Making what felt like a kiss goodbye to something with a bit more… hunger.But nothing too forceful or demanding,Just something with confidence and assurance.V pulled away from the kiss but was sure to bare his teeth for just a moment, grazing them against the soft tender flesh of Alex’s lips. The warmth and sweet smell of Alex’s blood was almost overwhelming at this distance but V knew how to handle himself.For the moment…


How long had it been?How many sleepless nights?When will he finally pass out from utter exhaustion?It had been almost 3 days since the last time Ollie got any sleep. Despite the absolute physical exhaustion that he felt throughout his entire body and the aches that were caused from his body being unable to rest, his mind just wouldn’t let him sleep. Though not wanting to worry the others was his first priority, he kept his usual smile and somewhat chipper and bubbly demeanor. Scott and Fah had their own lives to deal with and the last thing he wanted to do was look weak in front of Ive.Just keep going, your body will give out eventually..It was close to midnight, he sat on the comfy couch watching late night adult cartoons with vulgar humor that his mother would have never allowed him to watch. Ollie sunk into the fluffy couch cushions as he hugged a plush fuzzy pillow close to his chest, a soft blanket burrito’d around him. The bright like of TV was beginning to dry out his eyes but Ollie knew that it was the only thing keeping his mind occupied.Light footsteps caused him to perk up, the dimly lit livingroom made it hard to tell who it was at first.”You should try to get some sleep…” The voice was Scott, his large figure soon coming into view.“Soon… I wanna finish this episode..” Ollie’s voice alone sounded exhausted. His messy black hair sticking out from his blanket nest.Scott headed to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of water, one for himself and the other for Ollie. Once both were full he returned to him and placed a glass at the table,”At least keep yourself hydrated okay?” Scott had a soft tired smile, ruffling Ollie’s hair before heading back to his room.
Oliver appreciated Scott and Fah, they took care of him and even gave him a home and a place to stay. This didn’t stop him though from not wanting to burden him with his problems.
After his episode ended and his water was empty he turned the tv off finally but remained sitting in the dark, his face pressed into the pillow. He sighed into it,”I need to try to sleep…” As if to try to persuade himself to get off the couch, shaking the blanket off him and trudging to his room. It wasn’t big but it wasn’t too small, it was cozy and he liked it. There were books he enjoyed, plants that bloomed and flourished near the window and a gentle nightlight that kept him company. It was everything he needed. But it still wasn’t enough to soothe his mind into slumber.Crawling into his bed to get cozy under the blankets and attempt to get some sleep. The bed was soft, the blankets were warm and his pillow felt like a cloud. It felt amazing to lay down, and even better to close his eyes but, the loud static in his head kept him awake. It felt as if someone was scratching at his brain, the constant feeling of being uncomfortable in his own skin becoming unbearable.He wanted to scream.But he couldn’t… he wouldn’t let himself.Instead he curled up and clung to his pillow, softly sobbing into it. Sure it wasn’t going to feel good as screaming into the night like a banshee but it was something to help relieve the stress and hopefully tire him out. Ollie was ready to cry for a few hours until…A soft knock was heard at his door.Ollie peeked to the door, tears still streaming. There could have been only one person knocking on his door at this hour and no way was he gonna let them see him looking like a mess. Calming himself down enough to speak he sniffled and wiped his tears away,”You can come in, just close the door behind you please…”He didn’t want Ive to see him like this but… what else was he gonna do? Ollie tried to pretend he wasn’t just sobbing his eyes out, but the puffy eyes and sniffle was sure to give it away despite trying to nuzzle his face into the pillow in an attempt to hide it all from him.This is pathetic… I’m sorry Ive.


The chilly breeze of a crisp fall morning caused a shiver to travel up Umi’s spine as he took his first steps out into the city. This setting was still a bit new to him but definitely not foreign. Traveling was part of the job and he’d always loved the sights and smells of the places he’d visit. It was something he enjoyed about his ‘career’.Career…Was this really something you’d consider a career? Maybe it was more of a hobby. There was quite a bit of idle thought rumbling around as ocean blue eyes scanned over the document downloaded to his phone.“Fox…?”A soft low whisper slipped between tender lips, condensing against the cold air. Who was he, why was he assigned to him? Were they a suspected rogue agent or possibly a new disciple? Whatever the case he’d be sure to keep a close watch and study their behavior, it was part of his duties after all…The city was busier this time of year as the holidays were approaching and families were leaving and going to visit loved ones near and far. City workers were working as hard as usual fixing imperfections that seemed to never go away, even after decades of construction. Past the noise of construction were the sounds of footsteps and idle conversations. It made larger cities entertaining for people watchers and lurkers, always something to eavesdrop on.Long ashen white hair flowed as the tall male slipped through the busy crowd to his destination. It was always tied up into a messy half bun to keep from interfering. The hand in his coat pocket fiddled with an addiction he couldn’t seem to rid of. He wasn’t sure if it was the nicotine it provided or the oral fixation it subdued. Regardless, its cherry taste was something he would never tire of. The cloud of scented lies that exhaled from his nose made him feel like a real dragon.It didn’t take long for him to round the corner to the park where the meeting location was, though there was still some walking needing to be done. The sounds of children playing and couples laughing together filled the air. But the soft sounds of music leaking through the gaps Umi’s earbuds drowned out the noise from the world around him. It’s not that he didn’t want to hear it but rather he found a new song that wiggled its way into his current list of fixations and there was an insatiable need to drain every bit of serotonin from it.0903That’s what his lock screen showed as he stepped directly onto the coordinates sent to him.”Just a bit early it seems…”


Just keep going, everything will be fine.Hey man don’t worry, doc’ll patch me up real nice….Monday’s, they always started out the same. Wake up, brush your teeth, put your clothes on for work, get in your car, drive to work then start your projects for your week. The dull buzzing of fluorescent lighting, it was rather deafening today.’Heads up Sammy…’Looking up from his paper he saw Mikey, one of the fellas that worked at the desks on the lower floors, walking into his office with a bundle of paperwork in hand. “Here’s all the paperwork we have detailing your new partner.” That’s right, the director finally found someone brave enough to fill the combatant void his section of the office was missing. The file was thick and slammed down with a thunk on the blonde’s desk.“Why is it so thick…?”Mikey shrugged,”I didn’t bother taking a peek inside, figured I’d leave the juicy details to you.” Turning on his heels the red head took his leave. Once the room fell silent again he let a sigh slip out.“Guess I better start reading before he gets here, it’ll look bad otherwise.”Grabbing the overflowing folder, files nearly spilling out, he flipped over the manella cover to find a very basic mugshot style photo messily clipped to a basic info page. Name, height, weight, etc. all details that would be better for a doctor to have. Though some details were redacted. Odd. Though as he began to flip through further into the stack, more and more info seemed to be redacted. Why even provide the files if everything was confidential anyway… Annoyed, Sam closed the file and pushed it to the corner of his desk.“I guess all that matters is that he can defend himself and others..”Ding!Leaning back his less than fancy leather desk chair he peered over to his computer, a notification from a receptionist down on the ground floor:The guest of honor is to be there soon once he’s done with the Director.A yawn swiftly crept up on him as he got up from his chair to move over to fix his messy blonde locks and readjust his tie in the reflection in the photo frame on the shelf next to his desk. Compared to the upper ranks of the division he didn’t need to dress as “professional” but still needed to be business presentable. Though once out in the field with his partner he could dress a bit more relaxed. What a relief, tucking in his shirt every morning was always annoying. Even after a year of doing it.’He’s about to knock.’Rambling thoughts and making sure his breakfast wasn’t stuck in his teeth still was interrupted by the usual voice in his head. Settling back into his seat and not a moment too soon as his new partner soon entered the scene. Thankfully the man didn’t look like some weirdo they found on the corner. A pleasant scent soon followed the man into the room that mixed noticeably well with Sam’s. Shaking the distraction away he gave the other a warm smile and stood from his seat to take his hand into his own. Despite small stature his handshakes were always firm.As the man spoke he moved to organize his desk but was quickly halted by the mention of Xander’s name. Not many knew of Sam’s circumstances so hearing the name immediately drew his attention,“Oh! Y-… Yeah he is, Xander is more of a combatant type than myself. My duties are mainly field intel and guidance. That’s why I’ve been able to work mostly without a partner. I function as a dual type special ops, rather than one or the other.”He pulled a piece of paper that detailed some terminology along with a diagram to explain ‘ranks’ and ‘divisions’.“So to make things simpler, this floor is entirely devoted to Special Operations. We deal with the uh… less than ideal supernaturals. Meaning rogue individuals or odd occurrences”This was usually something that was explained in boot camp or training but otherwise got skipped due to William’s special circumstances,“Our Spec Ops division is devised of 100 people, 50 teams. Teams are split off into two people, each one assigned to a duty. Combatant and Informant. Combatants aren’t required to learn the ins and outs of a creature or occurrence, they’re simply the muscle. The informant is there to do the heavy lifting when it comes to research, information gathering and recon. But per regulation they are to be fit for combat as they are also out in the field as well.”He could feel himself getting bored just explaining everything but he knew it’d help the transition become smoother,“There’s a lot more that’ll be explained over time but at least for the basics I think that’s about it!”The small blonde settled back into his chair glad, for moment before perking back up again,“Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I’m sure you read it in the file but the name’s Sam Ekstrom. I’m glad to have you on my team~!”Giving William another warm smile with a light tilt of his head, the blonde locks he originally fixed falling back into place.“So… any questions?”




There's always a subtle scent of iron in the air, no matter where you are. Haven't you ever noticed it? Or maybe I just have a certain taste for that sort of thing. The night grows ever old, you should probably head home before the monsters find you.


Minutes become hours which then become days. Time really does flow into itself after a while huh? When a good book calls to you or those sleepless nights become endless. It all becomes a blur over time...


Only ever spoken as whispers amongst the elders, there lives a creature that has seen the rise and fall of humanity but never to intervene with it. Whether god or demon, no one quite knows or has even tried to find out if the tale had any truth behind it. After all... Dragons aren't real right?